This tool is intended to be used by the last human on Earth. The tool should be used to mark a path.

The last human is definitively lost, but the last human can use the tool to create paths as well as designate an area of interest. If there is a certain place that the last human feels it is important to remember and to be able to easily find again, the last human can use the tool for that purpose.

Since the ground is always soft (even concrete is melting in the burning heat from the Sun), the last human can easily imprint temporary marks in the ground.

The last human knows that it can not have a territory. The last human knows that space can not be owned by anyone. The last human knows that private property is an illusion (that is old news for the last human). The last human is a nomad with a desire to settle.

The last human wants to claim space temporarily. This tool is for that purpose.

foto 2 (4)

foto 2 (6)

The flag with the stamp of the guiding star in clay and honey.

foto 3 (4)

The last human is ready to stamp the ground with the wooden star at the bottom of the tool.

foto 4 (3)

The gravel, the ruins, the melted concrete can easily be stamped. A path is marked.

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