Space and Materiality: End of Semester Reflection


2D Drawings of the Five Regular Polyhedrons or Platonic Solids

We started the semester by exploring the flower of life and its relation to geometry and different platonic solids. It was difficult and confusing at first since I am not familiar to working with mathematical projects. However it was interesting to me how each solid connect with each other and the flower of life pattern. I got on track very soon and learnt a lot about geometry.

3D Model of the Nest of the Five Solids

When our class made our illustrations and models, we were divided into groups and were assigned colors to mix different tones and shades from. I find that process pretty effective but it was a little confusing for me when we painted since the paints got misplaced and a lot of us were unable to find the color we wanted.

This was the project that I found most interesting since it was my first try experimenting with model making, especially with platonic solids that requires immense precision. I think it was a great experience for me to create something with care and calculation before executing the idea.



Pipe, Plastic and Wire Model of Platonic Solids

Wire Projects




Wooden Head Model

Head Covering Created Using Repurposed and Recycled Materials

This course allowed me to explore materials that I have never used for art-making before. I learnt how to manipulate materials like wire, plastic sheets and pipes. I believe that these skill I have developed would be useful in the future when I make 3D pieces. I also developed problem solving skills throughout the course which would also be beneficial in the future.

Upcycled Plastic Bag

I decided to create a new bag by ironing layers of plastic bags together to achieve a thicker and stronger texture. I began by stacking the used plastic bags together and folding them into smaller rectangular shape.

Folding the layered bags inside a piece of parchment paper, I ironed the bags with a heated hair straightener. Next, I added a used ziploc bag on the outside and ironed it to the bags. I repeated the process to get both sides of the bag.

I cut out the zippers from the two ziploc bags that will be used as the handle.

I began sewing the two parts together with thread.

Finally, I stapled the zippers on to each side as handles.

This project has provided me an opportunity to rethink the possibilities of plastic bags as a material. The final product turned out beautiful to me, and I am very interested in creating more sustainable objects with plastic bags. We often consider plastic bags as something that does not last long and dispose it after short-term use, however,

About Me


Snapshots of the infamous public housing estates in Hong Kong. Growing up in Hong Kong, I have witnessed the soaring of property prices through the years. The economic hardship of the people is especially evident in these housing estates where the grassroots settle in. To me, the crammed apartments best visualize the dilemma of Hong Kong in recent years.


One of the subjects I have been working on is the interaction of humanity and mother nature in the modern world. This piece captures the mergence of a woman and a fish and how the two coexists in the cosmos.

Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

A self portrait inspired by Haruki Murakami’s novel of the same title. This piece depicts the idea of colorless personalities within humans; what gives us colors is in fact the environment. I chose to draw my own face to depict my struggles and experiences in discovering who I really am, thus becoming mentally intimate with myself.
The left part inspired by Rodin’s sculpture. The bananas painted in color act as a symbol of trivial matters in life that constrain one’s scope to divulge their own colors.