

This rabbit fur can be used for many uses. It could be used in many forms of fashion such as coats, hats, scarves, shoes, purses. It can also be used as an extravagant rug or as a pillow case.


This lightweight, extremely foam is used in many forms, especially in mattresses and pillows. The material allows for an extremely flexible and constantly changing form. So, it anything heavy were placed on it, the foam would quickly adjust to fit the object.

Meaningful Meal Construction Assignment #2


My meaningful meal construction focused on the stylization of eating food. I wanted to make interchangeable, removable compartments in a larger compartment. I made two small squares that were the equivalent of their corresponding rectangular box and fitted them all into a single large box. This way, the foods would be separated and can be eaten in a different fashion.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ) bum bum



I had never really used or even considered the vine charcoal before this, and I always thought that the smooth effect came from smudging the compressed charcoal. I would build upon incorporating the use of vine charcoal in future figure drawings. If time permits, I would like to draw faster and carve out more details with crisper lines and to make the body flow more.