Drafts Bridge 4

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Prototype 1:

We wanted to focus on the progression in architecture since the Civil War. We chose a timeline of the 1800’s, 1900’s, and present day. In order to highlight the difference, we want to incorporate elements of photoshop and mixed media with the images getting progressively brighter and futuristic. We chose three well-known locations such as Union Square, The New School, and Washington Square Park so the memorial can resonate with various audiences. Our main concept is progression. With the timeline details, audiences can see side by side how much America has changed since the Civil War. Ideally, the memorial will be 5 feet by 8 feet and hung outside the New School so all people walking by are able to access it.

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Prototype 2:

Rather than focusing on the environment and architecture, we chose to emphasize the difference in people and lifestyles. In order to highlight the difference, we plan to recreate these three images and combine a modern twist set in present day. For example, the first image shows Abraham Lincoln and two men chatting and standing around. Our idea is to recreate that photo by finding three business men or politicians chatting and we will use photoshop and mixed media elements to invoke the same feel and emotions with the past image. We will try to incorporate more diversity in the pictures as well in order to showcase America’s progression since the Civil War. Ideally, this prototype will also be 5 feet by 8 feet and hung outside the New School so all people walking by are able to access it.

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