Space/Materiality Met Visit

A. What was the purpose of this piece? – The piece is part of the heavenly bodies collection. Its purpose was to use medieval art and turn it into fashion. Most of the pieces showcase the traditions of Catholicism. The headpiece reminds me of something a pope would wear, which is what I believe they were going for. Looking at the headpiece, you can instantly tell that its purpose has to be affiliated with a religion.

B. Why is this interesting to you? – This piece is interesting to me because of the simplicity, yet the complexity with the jewel work. It wasn’t as heavily detailed as the others in the exhibit. I’m also interested in the symmetric pattern on each side.

C. How did the creator use the material? – I think the creator used a machine to create the pattern on the headpiece first. Then they sew/stitch the gem/jewel pieces after. After all the patterning is done, I think that they shape it into the form of the headpiece and stitch it together.

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