Object Story

     As I swipe through the cold metal, a beep becomes present. Another swipe, the same noise again. The little bar in front of me reads insufficient funds. I hear a groan of annoyance from my owner. I soon approach another machine. As I am placed into the machine, I am filled with value. I exit the machine and make my way to the previous machine. Once again, I swipe through and I am accepted. A remaining balance is then presented on the screen taking the place from the insufficient funds. I am dropped into a bag and fall in between a water bottle and a notebook. I stay here for a while until I feel someone rummaging through the bag. I get tangled in a pair of headphones and feel myself being pulled out. As the headphones untangle, I feel myself falling through the air. My lightweight almost feels as if I’m flying through the air. I land on the floor of the train and I hear the rumbling beneath. I am being picked up and then the familiar feeling of being dropped in a bag comes back to me. I know I won’t be used for a while. So I wait and wait some more. Nearing the end of the day, I sense hands poking through the bag. I know my owner is trying to find me. My bright yellow color is sure to pop out of the bag but my thin frame doesn’t help my situation. After a few more seconds, I am found. I hear a sound of relief from my owner. The familiar swiping feeling becomes present and I am being held tightly by my owner. Air rushes as I can feel my owner running to catch her train. I look and see our train. It’s there, it’s waiting, but I know it won’t be there for long. As my owner approaches the train, I feel her grip loosen with each step. She reaches the train just as the doors are about to close but I don’t. I am falling. I fall onto the hard floor. I see my owner looking at me through the train doors. It’s too late for her to get me unless the train doors magically open. I wait but luck doesn’t seem to be on my side today. I see a person approaching me and pick me up. He says “maybe it’s my lucky day and it has money.” He gets on the next train, the ride feels longer than what I am used to. It is then that I realized I am in a smaller space then used to. The small pocket wasn’t helping and the keys near me felt sharp against the surface. I then hear a voice say that there is train traffic and they are sorry for the inconvenience. I waited a bit longer and I felt movement. My new owner’s cold hand came in contact with the pocket. I am then taken out and can feel the cold air present around me. My owner is waiting for the bus and I can see it moving closer. We, then enter the bus, the air is on and it’s much warmer than outside. To my new owner’s luck, I had money remaining and was able to provide him with a free ride.

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