Category: Inspiration


  I think there is something really interesting about fall. I guess this has to do with all seasons, but it’s interesting the affects that the sun’s tilt can have on everything. We see all forms of changes happening around us as a result of the fallen temperatures. I chooseContinue reading


  What all these images hav ein common is that they were all taken at one point in my life. The image from the top left was taken at the top of castle in Greece, a hald hour away from my mother’s home- town. In order to get to theContinue reading


  This is a wall from my mother’s home village. There are a lot of aspects of this village that inspire my designs. The iconography in the churces, the detialed embroidery of the dance uniforms and most importantly the mountainous region that encompasses the villege. The climate of the smallContinue reading


  It’s interesting to see how inspiring colors can be once you start paying more attention to the things around you. This week I noticed that things I see almost everyday possess these fantastic colors that are so vibrant and intriguing. The first picture is of a green plant thatContinue reading


  Vogue, or the fashion bible, had some striking advertisements. The three pictures from the top are all advertisements but speak to the viewer in a different way. You can easily tell that the styles are not the same by just looking at the ways that the designer choose toContinue reading


  Lately, vintage fashion and shapes are quite intriguing to me. There’s a certain elegance that can’t be replicated in our time. Especially when looking at fashion photography from years back, it’s not only that the women look different but the surroundings are what truly make the picture. The two blackContinue reading