Map of Childhood Memory

Ricordi di un’Infanzia is the first map I created for this project, which revolves around one of the most vivid and authentic childhood memories I have. A very well known Italian artist has connected my father and I in a deeper and heartfelt manner for a fairly long time. When I first discovered one of this artist’s songs, I was in the car with my father, heading towards school. It was ever since then that this childhood memory has stayed within me.
I decided to portray this memory in two-dimensions, with a black marker on a white piece of paper. I believe in simplicity, and my works are often graphic and very geometric. This piece of work portrays myself without using lines, but though the use of words that stem from the lyrics of the Italian artist’s song. My self-portrait was created with words in order to highlight the importance and value I attribute to this song, and to emphasize how it has allowed me to grow as a person in the last ten years.



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