Reading Hermione

Throughout my visit to Hermione’s apartment, I noticed various objects and smells that, I believe, revealed certain aspects of her and the environment she lives in. The warm atmosphere and colorful surroundings reflected her friendly and bright smile, and I feel like she used determined decorations to resemble her room in the outskirts of London.
A book narrates a story, but not everyone may understand it. I feel like a person is just like a book, and its reader needs to truly explore it to discover its most profound meanings and characteristics. Hermione gives the impression of being fairly reserved and quite, but once she opens herself up to people, she reveals herself to be social, altruist, and honest. I, therefore, created a book to symbolize herself, also because Hermione loves reading, especially crime thrillers.
The leaves used in the installation and sculpture I collected in Regent’s Park, in London, this past weekend, whilst the book I bought from a vintage shop in Paris. This contrast symbolizes her past, through the London leaves, and her present, through the Parisian novel, and how these two overlap. When opening the book, the observer may notice that it serves as a box, since the inside of the pages have been cut off. Within it, I included words that describe Hermione: her passions, her values, and adjectives that reflect her as a person. Furthermore, in the book’s interior, I included a pink and velvety object, as her room contained numerous pink and velvety decorations. In addition, on the novel itself, I sprayed lavender, since I was greeted in her room through this beautiful perfume.
I believe a book is very intimate, and I wanted to highlight this by designing it in small scale and by hiding it between leaves.

Environmental Portrait 1

Environmental Portrait 2

Environmental Portrait 3

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