Artist Statement

Warrick Do

Advanced Research Seminar

Revised Artist/Designer Project Statement

3 February 2017


Artist Statement

My designs often portray a conflict or a problem within a conservative system. I like to use the integration of fashion and film in the process of reflecting our contemporary society. The Neo-realism, a cinematic movement, began in Italy during the post-war era. Focusing intensely on daily lives of people after the WWII, the Neo-realism features almost a dystopian-like society during the period. However, it also reflects how people had adapted to the situation, and found joy even in the smallest incidents. On the other hand, Stanley Kubrick’s ‘Clockwork Orange’, which depicts a dystopian future, uses a protagonist who is a true evil that can’t suppress his desires. I thought the contradiction between innocence and immortality in the films, which were released over the term of a few decades, seemed to be coming back in recent days. I like portraying such condition in the collection by using visual homages and symbolic elements from the past films.


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