MoMA 10.02.15

At the MoMA we viewed the Picasso sculptures. While his work isn’t my style or taste but it was very interesting to look at. I am so used to seeing 2D paintings of his work so it was nice to see that his work is a range of paintings as well as sculpture. Even his […]

YEAR 2004

In 2004 the only memory I can distinctly recall is when I went to my aunts house to celebrate my grandparents anniversary. All my cousins and I piled onto a pool inflatable and tried to surf the waves, all was well until one by one each of us plunged into the freezing water.


10-05-15 Memoir   Stuck I could hear the click of our shoes as they collided with the floor of the terminal. Lolo and I just received the news. Information about a flight to Los Angeles was just released. Eager to get home to California, I encouraged him to sprint with me to get to the […]