Orcas can imitate human speech, research reveals

My response to this article is a skeptical one. First of all, under what conditions are these orcas under, and the pressure of them to perform? Are scientists trying to further exploit this tortured animal by adding another act- a talking one- in the shameful sideshows at Sea World?

I love animals, and yes I find them fascinating, but in my opinion, the orcas attempt at human speech seemed a little far fetched, and also- why are they teaching them the language of imperialists? Ocras have their own language- If anything why don’t these scientists learn the language of ocras and imitate ocras? That would be groundbreaking news. If a human actually learned the ocra language, and was able to communicate with THEM rather than just imitate. How elitist the human race is, to take it even further this could be a stab at dismantling their own secret language and replacing it with English.

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