The Articulated Screen

My first project was to develop a screen, which should be the expression of an idea.. My idea was about a pattern (repetitive slabs) fitted and balanced together in an imperfect way. The construction words that I decided to use were folding, although it could also be stacking or laminating.  Since we had to use a single planar material, I first decided to use cardboard. Cardboard and glue were easy to use with the screen I had planned. However, after a while, my model was beginning to fall apart. At some of the intersections between the slabs, one of the slabs began to move and fold into the rest of the screen. What started out as an accident turned out to be the inspiration for my redevelopment of the screen. At this point, we needed to start thinking about light and how that could play a role in how we view the screen. So, I decided to use corrugated plastic because it had a transparency to it that I thought would be well complimented by the light. The difficulty I had with this model, however, was finding a way to create a hinge between two of the slabs so it could move and fold in. I also had some difficulty with the line weights of my elevation, section, and plan drawings.

Articulated Screen


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