Object 7- Sands of Time

The movie “Samsara” is one to be admired for its brilliant images of the world’s cultures, landscapes and imperfections. This image was one of the most striking moments in the film. Sparking a strong sense of curiosity and wonder in the image. The colors and the concept all coming together to create a beautiful and overwhelming image. The sand filling the once rooms with furniture and people, the sunlight coming through the windows, the faded walls and the broken down doors were all a point of interest for me. It was a representation of time, what it does to things. If got me to wonder what our world would become if we were once to disappear. What would happen if we abandoned our homes or even entire cities, how nature would take over and overcome what was left behind. The location of this house I learned is in a former diamond mining town, located in the Namib desert. It was abandoned in 1954 and had many buildings including a hospital and a ball room. Its quite beautiful, calm but rather unsettling as well. I sensed the curiousness that flooded my mind. Who were the people that once owned these houses? Why is this place so unique and why was it left behind?


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