Site Analysis: AEIOU

Grand Central Terminal
89 E 42nd Street

Research: Artist – Olafur Eliasson

Studio 2: Constructive Environment

Ha Rim Kim

Feb. 2. 2019

Research: Artist-Olafur Eliasson

1. What things does Eliasson do to “learn” about and “discover” ideas (research) for his projects?

In the beginning, Eliasson inquired himself, “Why am I actually seeing and what that means to me?” For this answer, he thought this kind of inquiry let optic on art offers selfevaluation. Then he dealt with the tool that he already has and know about which included water and temperature so on. In the practice of bringing ideas, he adds words and make models based on his intuition. Distance between where it starts and where it would go is same as relationship between thinking and doing. That way, He thought creativity is the consequences which comes along with breaking the rules, making the rules and reference of something that’s somewhere else.

2. What things does Eliasson do to help a work grow from an idea and into a realized project?

In order to help his work grow from an idea into a realized project, he takes several steps. He first makes models to bring an idea into life. Then he verbalizes the context on the relationship between the project and society. In the process of making it real, he interconnects with various networks. From his team worker’s interview, he is really open-minded person and the team give inspiration to each other concentrating more on content rather that the form. The team starts to make the project in terms of potential of the shape and material. Consequently, the project is made to do something meaningful to people.

3. How would you describe Eliasson’s approach to collaboration?

Eliasson now have collaborations with many craftsman, architects, administrators and cooks etc. Among the projects, Eliasson collaborated with engineer Frederick Ottesen for ‘The Little Sun (2012).’ This was more about the global social project to aware people the need to use sustainable energy by distributing the little sun solar lamp and having people hold sun in their hand. I think that Eliasson’s approach to collaboration has synergy effects. Since his every works contains the theme of public space to be filled with many people’s thoughts and experiences, his works should be made by various networks and understandings.

4. What are some of the major themes in Eliasson’s work (can you name more than four)? How are these explored in his work?

He worked a lot about what type of public spaces facilitate the inclusive elements, how can it hold people included and how do we generate the sense of connectedness without necessarily having to be the same. The Weather Project was made to share and see the other things in yourself holding hands with the sun. This project was especially matched with the purpose how to share space without having to be the same. Second one is ‘Your Rainbow Panorama.’ He explored various lights coming from inside and outside so that his physical activity is connected from how he sees. He wanted to tell that ‘If you don’t move, nothing change.’ The third project, Waterfall, is to tell that if the space has depth you are more likely to meet anyone and if the space has dimensions you can move. He then explored by making big waterfall in New York to make the depth. Another project held in Copenhagen, he brought the Ice of Greenland with the theme of global warming. He then let people experience the feeling of climate crisis by holding hands with icebergs. The project, Riverbed(2014), is an installation held in Denmark museum by bringing riverbend from Iceland. He wanted the consistent white so wrapped the roof to distract light coming in. Then he wanted to explore the non-existence of shadow. This project also included the theme of sharing thoughts of artwork.

X Pages: Spatial Illustration and Graphic Narrative

  1.  “X page” memory exercise

I’m in my living room crying very hard in front of my older brother. I’m telling him that I almost failed my final exam and I want to quit my high school. But my brother is not paying attention to me and just playing computer game. He telly me, “Get your minds together! You failed the exam because you didn’t do your best.” Annoyed by what he says, I’m just



