Learning Portfolio Reflection Post

My name is Sanskruti Leela and I am eighteen years old. I am majoring in interior design under BFA with a strong interest in traditional art forms.
First semester and the second semester were vastly different from each other. The first term was to casually introduce us to the basic themes and practices that we will be exploring in our period in the New School, whereas the second term narrowed down to a particular theme such as system and strategies, and focused on more of the technical aspects. We got introduced to the basics of college writing, which created a base for the second semester. Topics like Sustainability, Time helped us improvise our works considering the social aspects. The theme is common between academic studies and the studio making. The studio was slightly open ended and the writing was a little more confined. The research was surely exciting as I learnt a lot of new things.
Project 1
This is a Haiku that was chosen from social injustice topic we chose. As I chose death penalty for juveniles, I was supposed to research about it. Just like the final essay foe integrative seminar two we were supposed to have an annotate bibliography for three research methods. From each research method we were supposed to pick up three sentences that were most relatable to the topic and then the class was divide in groups of three. As each member had nine sentences, we were supposed to put all of them in whichever sequence we wanted. After examining we were told to eliminate words and make three lined haiku out of it. This was an interesting exercise as we were getting an hang of what an haiku was and how different topics came up to be one. I individually was given a week to make one myself keeping in mind the research methods, the activities we did in class and my topic.

Looking up at stars,
My sleep has a dead end,
Loneliness is killing me.

Cap, save this wonder,
I look up to the bare ceiling,
Don’t know the devil.

Hands hug the rainbow far,
Handcuffs, the only thing touchable,
It’s my time to pay.

Make the flowers bloom bright,
It’s just the path I don’t follow,
Dying with bright dark circles.

It’s hard to find your bridge,
I did, the one with fresh blood,

I would want pink love,
Would calm myself with red,
Why can I see black?

I think with a sword,
Hearts stopped beating since then,
Mine did since I started.

The holes at every step,
She had two herself,
Babies don’t want to exist.

His eyes shut to conquer,
Been a decade since sunlight,
Tears have made rigid grooves.

Give it a white shadow,
It still sees black for money,
Looking for phantoms

This was the outcome. As each paragraph had to consist of five, seven and five syllables each it was a little challenging to come up with words that were relatable considering the word limit.

Project 2:

This was my time project that focused on cutup techniques and was based on some action I do constantly through out the day. As I have an habit of playing with my hair during whatever I am doing throughout the day I chose to work with that. We were first supposed to come to with minimum ten pictures of us doing a certain action. And therefore if noticed closely I am doing various different actions whilst playing with my hair. After getting the pictures we were supposed to put in whichever we wanted to arrange it on a large piece of paper. Gradually we were introduced to cut up techniques.
As seen I approached the assignment in a different way. Each picture was placed in a unique position. The white and black patterns are doodles of what thoughts was going across my mind while doing that particular action.

As I am doing interior design and I have high interest in Traditional art forms I would want to infuse them together to make a renowned classical design. I would surely want to pursue short abstract poem writings considering the political and social issues going around us. The seminar classes were helpful as I got a technical and social knowledge about the surrounding which is an important element to keep in mind while learning my major.