Deep Space Project

The Deep Space project uses diminishing contrast between shapes and ground (background), scale, and value to create the illusion of transparency and depth in a 2-dimensional image.

The major steps in achieving depth were as follows:

1) Creating 3 sizes of shapes and multiplying them across a canvas with a ground of 50% value.

2) Rotating the identical shapes to create the illusion of “floating” in space

3) Adjusting the value of the constrasting/overlapping areas of shapes to create transparency.

Understanding the relationships between 2 figures overlapping one another was the most difficult part of the project, but practice from our previous assignment served as a good guide.

To keep consistent values across the canvas, I made sure to keep track of the value percentages of overlapping space as I worked.

Another challenge was making sure the values of the larger shapes in overlapping areas reinforced the idea of the larger shapes were closer in distance, not just large in size.

Deep Space Tammy Lee no bleeds-2n1w0dx