Pictures took before departure:
Some night I was hanging around the streets near my home, and I took this picture.
Inside a trash can, which sat on a street near my home.
A night, I made this tape-drawing with my friend in my home city.
U know what these are 😛 I bought them in Japan when I travelled there in 2013.
A picture of my room. Reminds me of the rare sunny days of my city.
A picture of my room, the night before I depart from it.
Picture took after arrived in NYC:
A night playing my guitar. It reminds me of a time I player guitar in a bar in Shang-rila.
A smoking man in Sun Wukong(a famous mythological character of China) suits standing at the Union Square.
A night eating sunflower seeds alone… Same flavor but different place.
Maidenhair tree is my city’s city tree.
Suck food of the school cafeteria rendered me to miss the cafeteria of my high school.