Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature



Work Of Choice 




Serena Carone


This is one of my favourite artwork in this museum. The breathing motion seemed to have brought life to the model. The peaceful-looking expression on the model also caught my eye as looking at her was somewhat calming.


When I first approached her, instead of noticing the breathing motion, I happened to focus on the key which she was holding; it made me thought of something mysterious. After I have noticed that her heart is pounding, I could not help but stare at her as it felt really satisfying. I then thought that this piece was related to something about peacefulness.


Serena Carone’s work is very different from Sophie Calle’s work. In my opinion, Sophie Calle explores conceptual work with experimentations and playing with different media whilst Serena Carone presents a diverse and individual view of the world. This particular work, I would say, is unique and differs with other work in the exhibition. It stands out individually in the space amongst other unrelated and uncommon work.

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