DYNAMIC RECONFIGURATION(Eric Cheng, Kun Hoi Ahn, Limber Zhang, Yudi Liu)


  Group work of dynamic configuration mainly focus on rearranging furnitures(mainly chairs and desks) in the classroom into words fitted the final shape. The final purpose for this activity as a builder is to provide visitors the same feeling you initially tend to create.


Activity Overview

  • Activity 1: Words on the word list:

The first activity is to choose words on the word list or even come up with a new word to create. Our group chose the word ‘Anger’. To achieve the final goal, we randomly put chairs and desk together in order to create a big environment of messy. By adding sharp objects such as wood board with sharp corner and wood stick, the feeling of unwelcoming and anger got even stronger. Chairs were put irregularly, which means they are hard for people to sit and generated a feeling of uncomfortable.

Activity 1-Anger

Activity 1- Anger

  • Activity 2-Path to visitors:

The second activity is about collaboration within the group and between each groups. Each group was assigned to create a place that had the ability for people to enjoy, but also those individual projects should also be connect with nearby groups’. Our group noticed that when people start walking in the classroom, they often did it on purpose without noticing some fancy details in the room, especially on the ceiling. The stair we built had the ability to take people to be close to the ceiling and see those details. Also, chair on the top level of the stair provide visitors a chance to view the whole room and all the projects that been made.

Activity 2-Stair

Activity 2-Stair

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