Nightfall Stroll in New York City: 7/10

I started my walk out in union square where I began practicing long exposures. I lowered my shutter speed to 1”3 seconds and lifted the aperture. My ISO remained at 100. By lowering the shutter speed I was able to get people walking in a blur, however keeping the building in focus.
While I was walking through the park, I wanted to see what would happen if I continued to play with my shutter speed and lowered it to 2” seconds, raising my aperture, and keeping my ISO at 100. Even though this is not a photo with great content, I liked how I was able to create blurs with a lower shutter speed.
I continued walking down the street until I hit an intersection looking straight towards the One World Trade Center! I adjusted my shutter speed to be higher than my 5.0 aperture and kept my ISO at 100 even with the sun going down. I was able to keep the sky from being blown out by adjusting my aperture and shutter speed as well as capture the One World Trade Center near sunset.
While making my way towards Washington Square Park, I took my time and looked up to see this interesting escape ladder on the side of a building. I adjusted my aperture to be as low as it could (4.3) and raised my shutter speed to not lose the image. It is a little dark, however I like the leading lines going to the sky.
Once I made it to Washington Square Park I encountered this man performing a dance to people in the park. I wanted to create a shallower depth of field, so I lowered my aperture and raised my shutter speed accordingly to make sure the dancer was in focus while the observers where blurrier.
On my way back to Loeb Hall, I walked passed this building with a pattern of ceiling lights and with the light fading outside I lifted my ISO, Shutter speed, and lowered my aperture.

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