When looking superficially at this two essays one may think that they are talking about random stuff but in reality from what I got from their words is that us as photographers, artist, people we need to be conscious about the world around us, what is happening behind what we see. knowledge the space we are in and the people who were here before us and everything that has happened so we are here in space. Listen carefully, we aware of every single sound and its effect on us and our surroundings. And wonder about everything because everything is connected and is part of the picture. You trigger that sense of wonder by getting out of my comfort zone, listen to others and allow myself to learn from them. You made us read these pieces so in the future we can take in consideration more than “if we got the perfect shot” you want us to portray something and us being consciously aware of it. I will do this by knowing where I am, why I am here, talking to people, listening to their stories, and developing those stories into photographs. This two reading will allow me to create more meaningful work and take in consideration what is being said for me to improve my skills during this course ad the future.

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