Assignment #1- Observation


This was our first assignment and it is the base for the following assignments. For this assignment, we were asked use cameras or phones to record anything that looks like faces, animals, letter forms, numbers, geometric shapes, etc. that are not created on purpose (created by damage,time, decay, rain, etc).



Assignment #9- Straw polyhedron

Straw polyhedron

For this assignment, we were asked to create our own polyhedrons using straws. The straws that I bought were colored and I thought that they didn’t look attractive at all, therefore I glued and wrapped yarned onto them to make them look nicer and more unified (the straws were in various neon colors).

I wanted to create a polyhedron that looks different from different angles, therefore I chose to used straws with different lengths.


Assignment #8- Cardboard/chipboard Polyhedrons

Cardboard/chipboard Polyhedrons

Assignment #8 is a development of #7 (paper polyhedrons). For this assignment, we were asked to enlarge the template and make polyhedrons out of  either cardboard or chipboard. I decided to work with chipboard because it is thinner and it is less messy than cardboard as the lines are cleaner when you cut chipboard. Also, for this assignment, we weren’t allowed to use any glue and had to use mechanical connectors instead.Making the first two were very difficult for me because I bought the wrong type of chipboard, the chipboard that I bought was very thick and hard to work with. I chose to use wire at first but it created a lot trouble to me because the wire couldn’t poke through the chipboard as the chipboard was too thick, therefore I had cut out holes on the chipboard first. For the last one, I bought a much thinner chipboard and I used thread to connect because I thought thread would make the piece look cleaner.

This was the first one that I made, therefore it is the worse one out of all three, it doesn’t have clean edges.


This was the second one that I made, I painted it in white because I wanted to make each one different.

This was the last one that I made and I liked this the most because I thought I looked very clean.


Assignment #3- Drawing with 3D materials

Drawing with 3D materials

For this assignment, we were asked to create self-portraits or portraits of other people who are related to us by using linear materials such as yarn, wire and cardboard stripes. For both yarn and wire one, we had to stick them down onto a piece of cardboard, therefore I chose the color very carefully to make sure that my drawings could stand out from the background.

I started off with yarn because I thought that should be the easiest one to make, but it wasn’t for me. I decided to do my yarn drawing in a different way, I filled out the negative space instead, therefore I was struggling to get the lines as close as each other. I was not satisfied with this piece of yarn drawing at all, I didn’t like how it turned out as I thought it looked very messy and I also thought that the picture I chose was probably not the best option too. As a result, I changed the picture for my second and third piece.


For the yarn and cardboard one, I first traced the chosen image with tracing paper onto cardboard and emphasized them with a sharpie so that I could see clearer and make the lines as accurate as possible. For the wire one, I still used the image as a reference and I first stuck down the wire using masking tape to make an outline first and just continue worked on it.

My favorite piece was the wire one because it was the only one that didn’t have to be stuck down onto cardboard, which means I had more freedom and couldbe more creative with it by making it more 3D. In order to make the piece 3D, I wrapped many layers for the sleeve part of my wire drawing and made them look round.







































Assignment #7- 3D paper folding- Polyhedrons

3D Paper Folding (Polyhedrons)

Polyhedrons are solids with many faces and edges.

For this assignment, we were asked to create polyhedrons using paper. In order to do this, I cut out the template for each polyhedra and glued the edges together using white glue and glue stick.

I first used white glue to glue the surfaces together, but I realized that the consistency of white glue is not very suitable for creating the 3D polyhedrons because it is too runny. This caused the surfaces keep moving around when I was sticking them. Thus, I decided to change the tool that I use and I chose to use glue stick instead, which worked perfectly fine.

These are the polyhedrons I created, I tried to arrange and style them differently to create better visual effects.

Assignment #5- 2 TED Talks- Beauty & culture



Interpretation of beauty differs based on the person, their culture and ideal types, etc. There is no right or wrong answers . An ‘ugly’ person in this particular country could suddenly become pretty in another country. Our values are shaped by the society we live in. It is very important to be true and who you are, there is no point to change yourself just to fit into a particular beauty standard because beauty standards varies.

After watching Richard Seymour’s speech, the way that I feel about design changed. I used to think that a design is mostly about how people think of it based on the appearance and function. However, now I think that a great design should make the audience or user resonate with it and build a ‘long-term relationship’ with it. I also learnt that form is function. Customers will identify the function based on how the design looks, and designs that have obvious features are more easy to be sold.

Assignment #2- TED TALK Videos On 3D designs

Reflection: how you find these talks assisting in understanding the use of 3D design.


My thoughts on the first video:

Design is about creating something that is helpful, useful and efficient to people who needs it. It could be an invention or innovation. There is one thing, the most important thing in design, is originality/ creativity. Design is free, it could be anything. It could be a medical equipment, it could be something that benefits our environment or it could be a change in previous design that benefits our environment (make it sustainable- choice of materials, etc.)

3D designs is widely used in the medical fields.

Nowadays, a lot of 3D designs are more technological, it combines the use of internet with the design. For example, the heart monitor for patients who live in rural areas. It could identify any problems very efficiently so that the problems could be solved as soon as possible, which means there is less risks for patients to take.

My thoughts on the second video:

Design is EVERYWHERE and it is EVERYTHING.

The public have misunderstood the meaning of design. They often think that designs are supposed to be exaggerated and big.

Design is about fixing anything that makes a person uncomfortable, solving any kinds of problems that people have in their daily life. Designers should be considering fatigue and comfort, which means a new design could be adjusting the height of a chair so that it fits with the anthropometric data.

A design may not be functional but they solve the problems we have in our everyday life.


My thoughts on the third video:

3D design is about transforming people’s ideas into a product, and it should be changing people’s perceptions when viewing something.

As designers, we should constantly be reflecting, developing and adjusting our products because there is no perfect products, every product has some kind of flaws.

Our inspirations could be anything but everything relates to the nature, therefore we could say that our ideas are always influenced by our nature.



Assignment #4- Thumbnail Grid

Thumbnail Grid

This assignment is to sketch out 9 motives and elements from the culture that represents beauty to me. The culture that I am exploring is Japanese Geisha, therefore these sketches are all based on Geisha. To me, the first thing that pops into my mind when I think of Geisha is flowers. Flowers is used in their headpieces or on their kimonos, therefore I sketched out a lot of floral patterns.

I was inspired to make a very exaggerated piece because I realized how everything of Geisha is very exaggerated. For example, very large headpiece and hair, bold makeup. I also realized how their customs are very fancy, Geisha never wears plain kimonos, their has to be some kinds of patterns (mostly floral patterns) on them.



Space & Materiality Assignment #6: 3D Wire Object

3D Wire Object

This is the second wire assignment that we have to complete, thus making this wire mug was a lot easier for me as I figured out how to have better control during my last wire assignment.

What is different this time is that I combined and twisted two pieces of wires together to increase the strength since the wire I bought is 28 gauge, which means it is very ductile and malleable as it is very thin. The challenge that I encountered with for this assignment is creating a perfect circular shape. I used my mug as a guideline and tried to get the shape as precise as possible by wrapping the wire around the mug, but I still could not make smooth circular shapes, which was quite disappointing for me.

In addition, for the top ring, I chose to wrap it again with 20 gauge gold wire to make it look more similar to my mug and I’m glad that I did this because this detail makes the wire mug look a lot more interesting immediately.