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Category Int Studio 2

Bridge II – Final Reflection

In the last 5 diptychs, I mostly focused on the obvious elements that directly attached to the photography I found. So for the additional diptychs, I chose to focus more on the idea of “CONTRAST”. The contrast between dark and… Continue Reading →

Bridge II- 5 diptychs

 5 diptychs The object I choose is WALLPAPER. Wallpaper is one of the most typical object which can represent Victoria Era in British history. I made five diptychs for this project, all of them are somehow related to my original… Continue Reading →

Bridge I Revise: Deeper Development

Mind map: Wallpaper URL 1: http://www.bradbury.com/victorian/victorian.html URL 2: http://www.bl.uk/learning/timeline/item107595.html  

Bridge 1 part II: What If?

Bridge 1 part II: What If? The Old Image Questions by my partner: 1: What if this is not an image, but a film or just a video? What will be the differences to you? 2: What if the two… Continue Reading →

             The Thermal Body Map   “The Thermal Body Map” was the final project of my Space/ Materiality: Body class last semester. This project was composed by 5 acrylic painted clear acrylic sheets which hanged… Continue Reading →

Bridge 1 – Part I

             EMOTION     Online 1 Online 2 Online 3       Moma 1 Moma 2       NYC Streets 1 NYC Street 2

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