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Category Int Studio 2

Final Project Reflection + Installation Photo

Presentation Pictures: Write a paragraph reflecting specifically what you learned, such as a new skill or technique, or a new way of thinking… What was that like?  I learnt and experienced a lot of new techniques this semester, for instance, working and combining… Continue Reading →

7 May Updated Final Project LP Post

      Process Photos      1:Set up all the using tools 2: Printed out the photoshopped pattern                           3: Traced down the pattern on a tracing paper (marker… Continue Reading →

Integrative Seminar + Studio: Whitney Museum Research

Part 1. CONNECTION 1a.  Historical Case Study: Strike, Boycott, Advocate Research Issue: Strike, (Low Class) Working Class’s Living Condition Connection Between Case Study and Issue: The case focus on the protest of working class which related to my topic, which… Continue Reading →

30 April – updated Final Project LP post

  After the meeting with my instructor last week, I decided to redesign the patter of my wallpaper/ toile because me and my instructor both agreed with using Victorian Era history as the background is a better decision. Redesigned Story… Continue Reading →

Final Project IS2 – Visual Culture LP Post

    Explain exactly what you did on your Studio project since our last class.  Last class, I turned in my final project prototype (as above) In this prototype, I created a wallpaper, which indented to show the contrast between… Continue Reading →

Digging Deeper Into Your Taxonomy (bridge 3 part II)

What location did you visit for your visual research and what did you find?   The location I picked was the streets near Washington Square. How did the locations (museum/gallery/etc.) you visited expand/broaden/deepen your understanding of your topic? (this could be… Continue Reading →

Final Project IS2 – Visual Culture

The topic you are researching in Seminar What causes Urban Alienation in Tokyo? Is Urban Alienation good or bad for both city folks? The specific message/content you are exploring in Studio Victorian Era Wallpaper/ The contrast between low class and high class… Continue Reading →

Taxonomy + Questions Based on Victorian Wallpaper

             My taxonomy is based on the theme of “Class”. Back to the years after the British Great Depression (1929-1932), millions of people lost their jobs, the rate of unemployment raised rapidly. Plenty of wealthy… Continue Reading →

Final Project Proposal IS2

Three main questions: 1: What was the living condition of lower class during the Victorian Era? And what were the main reasons that cause the lower class stay in poverty? 2: What are the characteristics of Victorian Era wallpapers? Are they… Continue Reading →

Deeper Development: final revision: bridge 1 – part II

    This is my final piece for Bridge 1, instead of changing the collage, I chose to do a deeper research on the background of my inspirational photo A Northumbrian Miner at his Meal by BILL BRANDT (as follow).  A… Continue Reading →

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