This assignment was to create a polyhedron out of linear material, straw. The warmup with paper allowed me to fully grasp the structure of polyhedron. In order to create a polyhedron, the shapes within must be congruent to one other. Without them being equilateral, the shapes do not connect well to form the polyhedron. I cut the straws into 2.25 inch pieces and connected them mechanically, with wire. In order to make it as sturdy as possible, I connected the straws by wrapping it multiple times with wire. It worked to make the piece incredibly sturdy. What I learned from this was the effect of wire as a mechanical connector. Wire is capable of a very sturdy connection but also a malleable one. Despite having constructed the net with wire, I was easily able to fold it to the polyhedron shape. To keep the shape, all I needed was more wire. I plan on using wire as a mechanical connector again in the future.

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