Post #4

So I am really excited about writing this post. Class last week went GREAT! I was able to get through my entire lesson plan with time to spare. First we went over the facts of the case with a power point presentation I made and ate chocolate chip cookies I brought. Then after a question-answer period we watched a short video of a real supreme court oral argument reenacted by dogs. Then I presented my oral argument for the petitioner all the way through, which was about 10 minutes long.  We broke down the sections of argument and constructed a working outline on the board. Then after answering more questions, we got out early. A couple students stayed afterwards to ask questions about their papers, and two even thanked me for the presentation and told me I did a great job! 

I had rehearsed over and over again and pictured myself teaching the class to stay calm and confident. I was pretty sure I did a good job, and the oral argument presentations by students absolutely confirmed it. Their arguments were more organized and much better structured than last year’s, and everyone who presented was prepared and clearly rehearsed. A couple of outstanding students even had their notes almost memorized! I was blown away and my Professor agreed she was too. She said when she left last Monday she felt like the class had a loose understanding of the case, and when she came back everyone sounded like lawyers! When she asked what helped make the assignment really “click”, the first thing someone said was my power point presentation. I was ecstatic. I’m so proud of everyone in the class!

Here’s hoping we don’t get snowed in tomorrow, I want to see the rest of the arguments!


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