Post #7

Apologies for the gap in posts! I have been ill this week and presented at the Dean’s Honor Symposium on monday.

So today before class a student approached me in the hall. She was crying and seemed very distressed. It turns out that she had just found out that she didn’t get the funding she had applied for for a study abroad program, and she was devastated. She said that she wasn’t sure she could make it through the class, and I told her she could sit this one out. She said she was worried that the professor would be angry because she had written letters of recommendation for the program. I assured her that the professor would understand, and that I would talk to the professor and explain what had happened. She went home, and I think I made the right decision.

This week students began presenting their final research paper topics (around 10 minutes per person, 5 page papers). Presentations in class were really impressive! We only got a few classes left, so I appreciated the amount of time we devoted to each discussion. Everyone who presented had thoroughly researched slides that were dynamic and interesting. I was really proud.

All other class-related things have been going smoothly. A couple of students emailed me their power points for their presentations over the weekend and I replied with suggestions.

Looking forward to another class soon!

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