Meaningful Object

“Who is that?” One photographer whispered to the other as she walked down the red carpet.  Her hair was flowing down on her Saint Laurent jacket, which swayed as she confidently made her way towards the entrance, almost like a ballet dancer. Her shoes were very beautiful and elegant. While mostly wearing monotone well-tailored garments, a sparkle shined from her wrist, a Cartier watch which her mother had givenher.  “Her name is Alina obviously,” the other photographer replied, “you know the designer that Vogue named most likely to change the fashion world!” Alina managed to graduate from college while creating meticulously thought out garments during her junior and senior years. The precision that she sewed with couldn’t go unnoticed, the quality of each piece was evident.  She puts in so much effort and thinks so far ahead of the trends at the time, she managed to incorporate different materials into her garments such as wood. This landed her many clients who were willing to pay large sums for her clothing. Her upbringing also gave her a more rounded outlook on the industry and her markets. Born in Belgium, raised in the DRC, then moving to New York, she was able to witness a multitude of cultures which influenced the types of garments that she made.  Even though she is now one of the highest admired designers of her generation, she still wants to learn even more and make more connections.

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