Independent Project Brainstorm 3


 For this stage in my project, I collected my data from each location on my map.  I visited these places and took sneaky photos of people by holding my phone on my chest, many didn’t turn out great but I am in the process of drawing the ones that have.  During my feedback with my group, they liked how interactive my map was and told me I should publish it online so the whole class can have the link beforehand.  I plan on doing this now, so people have a chance to explore the website by themselves.  My friend Leo played around on the website a bit and had some suggestions.  There were: The text on the Marais page isn’t visible enough and I should put a background on it so people can actually read it instead of having to try to decode it, the Canal page is fun but there isn’t a lot of information, so maybe I need to put more notes about how young this neighborhood is and how there are many protests in that area and also talk about the street art there.  He also gave me some suggestions on the locations that I haven’t finished yet which was super helpful.  My target audience for this website would ideally be family and friends who wanted to know what my experience has been like here so far as well as people who are debating going to Paris. I hope this website will highlight these different areas and what makes each of them unique. My next page that I will tackle is my Metro page.  I want to compare the people walking to their connection train to the tour de France or snails, because either they are walking as if they are racing someone or they are in no rush, which holds up all the people who need to get somewhere on time. I will do this by layering images of bikes and snails over drawings of the people I have seen in the metro.

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