Imagined World Mural

For my imagined world I scanned my original sketch and brought it into photoshop, I explored and layered different colours. This world is a city built on a planet with high technology. There is a lot of activities going and and the background is somewhat chaotic.



Images made of Language


I have learnt how to use different threshold techniques to layer up on an image and create different tones, I have used the same technique I used for the skull to do on the emoji. It is a combination of the word ‘school’ repeated multiple times and a scared emoji face. That is my representation of horror.

Peer-to-Peer Skill Share and Gift Avatar


I have interviewed my partner through Facebook because we couldn’t meet during the week, I decided to base my gift to her on something that would be practical for daily use. I made a calendar for the coming year 2018, all the prints were hand drawn and customised for my partner with the places she likes and my own personal touch to the style of the calendar.

Memory Mask 3

In the third and final face mask we were asked to convey our key aspirations through the uses of the basic Photoshop skills we learned in class. We had to use a photo of ourselves and draw over it as the person we strive to be. I made the photo black and white so that the audience can focus on the creations I drew to emphasize the personalities and pride I value. In the picture I have drawn a crown on my head which is very similar to the concept of the first project and it represents the pride and value I put into my heritage I always carry with me, even when I moved abroad at sixteen. On the sides, I drew little doodles with fun bright colours to symbolize my energetic personality, as I am charismatic and put passion into all of my endeavors.

Skeleton Hybrids


For this assignment I have chosen 3 animal skeletons from the American Natural History Museum, I have combined the tail of a ceratosaurus and the back bones of a stegosaurus to the human skeleton to make the hybrid.