Studio Reflection

Comparing and Contrasting

Costanza Reiser

While I was reading through the New Challenge projects there were a few which really stood out to me. I would like to maybe study interior design. I would go to different neighborhoods and help those that are more tough and run-down. A home is somewhere someone should feel safe and calm. An interior designer tries to create a peaceful environment for their client to enjoy living in. As I read I saw the project called AEon music. A group of students perform classical music. They are trying to make classical music less passive; so more people can enjoy it. The musicians don’t really have to interact with the audience, But there is a similar idea. The Idea of making something more exciting and enjoyable is what I would strive for with my project. Making something that seems kind of bland to something with more life. Sometimes working with people can be really difficult. The “ working with people” article gave really interesting ideas and advice about collaborating with people. Student Dylan Demanski mentions that it is important to engage with the people you are working with. The notion of compromise comes into play here. When you are designing someone’s home, you must always find a way to please the client. The interior designer has to be able to communicate well with the client. The most important thing is for the client to feel happy and proud with the look of their new living space. They mainly talked about art in this article. Many people may say that interior design is a sort of art also.


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