7 days of collecting


On Tuesday after the assignment I was a little bit confused towards, which direction I wanted to take with this project. I took pictures of the book cover that now serves as a sketchbook, a picture of a page from Helmut Newtons album my friend has in her apartment and moved picture of my shoe because I found the lighting quite interesting.

(book page)



I was walking around the area close to Opera and I really liked this partially torn down poster and the walls around  it.  I then tried recreating the poster layered structure in my sketchbook.

(book page)



The poster I saw on the street on Wednesday reminded me of the first female tuxedo designed by Ives Saint Laurent. Fortunately enough that day I also attended a lecture at school about Dior’s interior design where the Dior tuxedo topic was also mentioned. I collaged the two iconic tuxedos on one page to show both the contrast and similarity between them. Despite the fact that the Saint Laurent suit is much more masculine then the Dior suit.  The Dior tuxedo was designed and cut that way to emphasise all of the flows in the womanly body  structure. Although the two suits might look completely different I believe they are just two different approaches on celebrating the female body and spreading feminism.



After reading a little bit about the tuxedo and its backstory I decided to look into artists working with the concept of feminism. I actually came across a Polish artist, Ewa Partum and I was completely amazed by the art she created. I particularly liked the fact that in both in her visual art as well as performances she used her body as the subject making her art very personal.



Looking into Partum’s work I got very interested in creating collages, which tackle the topic of feminism. I remembered that a few years ago I visited Linda Mulveys exhibition in London so I decided to work a little bit with that.


The images are taken from a menu cover at a Thai restaurant I went to for dinner on Sunday. I really liked the design and thought it might go well with my the theme of this project, which I am slowly starting to develop. The last image is a poem by my favourite polish artist Wislawa Szymborska, in which she describes the power of women.


The first two sketches are observational drawings however the third one was kind of an experiment of me trying to simplify a women’s body in different poses to one contour line.

Research on an artist working with the concept of collection

Sophie Calle






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