Curiosity Journal Essay 4


In Poland catholicism is the prevalent religion. The polish education system is very inclined towards teaching religion in school. It has even reached the point when members of the educational commission and parliament officials are trying to pass a law that would allow students to take catholic religion as one of the higher level subjects in higschool. 

The impact of spreading catholic religion beliefs is so broad that they can even be observed in textbooks used to teach sexual education. Those textbooks are written with a very bizarre approach – teach students about sex without actually talking about sex. Some textbooks contain information on how sex before marriage is practically prohibited, others contain information about very alternative forms of contraception. Its also worth adding that most of these textbooks are also extremely sexist providing students with very interesting metaphors such as: “ A girls should be aware that she will always pay more for a bad decisions then a boy because equality isn’t in nature. The boy is the giver of live ,he is “the sower”, whereas a girls body is like soil, where a new life will grow.”

SEXED.PL is a campaign spreading sexual awareness. Anja Rubik who is a polish world-widely recognised model started the campaign when she openly talked about how she once had an HIV scare. The moment she shared her history a massive discussion around sexual education blew up in Poland. A  group of actors, celebrities and influencers got together and all shared their negative sexual experiences highlighting the fact that If the level of sexual education would be higher in Poland such experiences could be bypassed or just minimalized. 

The campaign got such positive feedback that the SEXED.PL team is now in the final stage of issuing their own textbook. Maybe if the government changes and people will start opening their minds more it will one day replace the old fashion religion concentrated currently used text books. 

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