Curiosity Journal Essay 5

Free the nipple

Free the nipple is a movement started by a group of feminists from New York in 2012. At the beginning it was supposed to serve solely as a campaign to the movie of the same title but over the course of time it became an independent, much bigger movement. 

The movement supporters argue that women should have as equal as men rights, to show their bare breasts in public. 

Why is it that topless men are not being perceived by the society in a sexual way? The society has completely lost the sight of the natural function of breast. The only major  biological difference that actually distinguishes women’s breast from mens is that women’s breasts have the additional function of nourishing. 

The concept of breastfeeding brings up another question. Why is public breastfeeding illegal in some countries? Or why did social media platforms at a certain point ban breast-feeding images? 

Some people try answering those questions taking the approach that its simply because breasts are considered sexual organs and they are too distracting for men. This doesn’t make much sense though as the female body is very commonly used in advertising where it is depicted in a very  provoking way, sometimes even appearing  to being violated in a way. So why does that aspect of female body imaging not appear as distracting to men?

There are many critics of the movement who argue that women shouldn’t use breast to get the  attention they need in order to fight for their rights because its allowing men to continue seeing them as sexual objects they can keep on using to full-fill their own fantasies and pleasures.

I strongly disagree with that though. I understand that not everyone is comfortable with nudity as every culture has a different approach towards that concept however the free the nipple movement has sparked a discussion and created a platform where women can share their stories and talk about issues that come along with  living in a male dominated society.

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