Learning Portfolio #4 of 4

During this time period, we have achieved a lot of different things. First of all, I started to redesign the whole book again to make it look better and efficient. The original design of the book was very simple but has less variations to make the whole over-100-page book so I had to redesign different masters to make the whole process easier. Also, all the fonts and templates needed to be consistent. While redesigning the book, I had to make the prototypes of the website. Alex was making the app while Rachel was working on Instagram. I designed the website and received feedbacks from people to reiterate the prototype. It was really hard to work with everyone for this semester because everyone was really busy with other things including me. So it was really important to always make sure that everyone is on the same page. However, we all made it work. I was very confident with our project as other members too. This was almost the first project for me that I had to do the whole all-around and in-depth research for one topic for such a long time. The method that I have learned from this project and the skills as a project manager will always be with me as a great support.


Learning Portfolio #3 of 4

  • Survey: based on the survey conducted, I collected the answers to find the most important and relevant answers to our project. I narrowed down to 6 questions to extract the key insights and discussed the findings with the teammates.


  • Interviews, Case Study: We created interview questions based on the findings from the survey and sent out to high school students, counselors and experts. We also did case study research on various organizations to see which features or acts will benefit us from knowing it.


  • Project Name and Identity: We came up with our title for the project. It started from Go Abroad but we changed it into Assignment Explore. Also we came up with our mission statement, color theme and our goals.

Learning Portfolio #2 of 4


  • Team Identity: Alex, Bella, Rachel and I became one team. We decided to call ourselves ARIS Design firm, the first letters from our name. We considered a lot because a lot of the names were already taken by other firms. Then, I designed various versions of our logos using the color palette that we came up with. We asked people to see what other people’s favorite is.


  • 3 Problems into 1  Main: We had three different topics that we wanted to learn about. And from that three topics, we wrote problem statements and opportunities. We chose to narrow down to one which is Globalization in Education.


  • Design Firms research: we conducted research for other design firms’ design processes to decide on ours.



  • Research: We conducted research for stats and facts on Study Abroad programs in USA. I also ran a website traffic search for one of the biggest studyabroad website to see any important findings for issues. I also sent out the surveys to people based on the questions from research.

Learning Portfolio #1 of 4

Learning Portfolio #1 of 4 . Reflect on this work and upload your drawings, research.



By this week, I came up with 20 drawings of social issues that I was interested in. It took me a lot of time to come up with different topics because I am always very focused in one or two topics that I am really excited to learn and solve. My favorite topics of social issues are the sustainability in Cosmetics industry and in Fashion Industry. In Cosmetics industry, there are a lot of different issues from ethics, environmental, animal welfare and regulatory issues that are still unsustainable. Also, in Fashion industry, I am very interested in making samples less wasteful and more sustainable. Then, I went into different news medias to find the current social issues like online privacy, olympic building usage, trust between relationship, responsibility and etc. I realized that I am less interested in Political issues.  During this research, I realized I am very interested in human’s empathy and education because solutions that I came up with the topics that I chose had to deal with human’s empathy and the educational system.