Intro to Fashion Studies: Rec : Assignment 1


Intro to Fashion Studies: Lec.A.Sp17


Assignment 1


Fashion is made manifest in material forms. It demands study in the same way that ancient artifacts are made meaningful by archaeologist: through careful excavation.

I agree with this aphorism because I believe that fashion should be studied as an artifact. A piece of garment can answer the who, what, when, how, and why of the garment. By studying the material and technique use to make the garment, it can reveal what materials were accessible and where the material was found in the past to the viewer. Each piece of garment, shape,color,texture,etc, is designed with intention whether or not it is visible to the viewer. Through carefully studying garments, especially religious or ceremonial garments, we can learn about the culture and beliefs of the society that it belongs to. We can also learn about the social classes of the time.


Fashion does not define. It is instead a term that demands definition.

I agree with this aphorism. When someone asks me what fashion is, I tend to answer that fashion is whatever you want it to be because the word fashion is very “broad.” There is no limitations to fashion. I believe that fashion doesn’t “define”, instead, fashion is our own creative vision and each individual interprets it differently in their own way. As creators, we define fashion through our own ideas, culture, inspirations and beliefs. In a way, we give birth to “fashion.” We start with the basics and slowly build up our idea eventually transforming it into a body of art that is a composite of our ideas and intentions.

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