Fashion, Uniformity, and Nonconformity

              The theme of place, family, and activity emerged in my dress practice. Throughout my dress log, I realized that I am not as “picky” with what I wear as I think I am. I use to think that I am always consciously deciding what I want to wear however, as I read through my dress log, I noticed that the majority of the time I am more “picky” about the color rather than how the clothing itself looks. I also noticed that due to my family’s strict upbringing, my family somewhat place a restraint on me on wearing certain types of clothing around them due to their older generation outlook on how females should represent themselves. I tend to restrict myself from showing too much skin around them because I know they will disapprove of it. The dress log impacted my understanding of the relationship between clothing and the body by making me aware that I tend to dress according to where I am and what activity that I am doing that day. It made me notice how a specific clothing can make me feel physically and emotionally. Prior to this log, I never really paid attention on how specific fabric felt on my skin. I noticed that there are times when comfort becomes more important to me than looking “good” especially at home. Although, I tend to dress up more to feel more confident for myself rather than to impress others, my mindset changes when I head to school. When dressing for school, I tend to dress to impress rather than for comfort because I would try to “fit in” with how others dress to school.

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