Clement Siatous Exhibition

Clement Siatous Video By Laurie Consider the term Sagren and define it in your post (the Creole term used to describe the profound sorrow and longing for a denied homeland). Describe what you think this sensation is like, plumb your own memory and experience for a moment when you feel have you have experienced this […]

The Game of Parsons

  How did your group get started? We got started in the process of creating The Game of Parsons by individually working on a mind map to help brainstorm a timeline of how we were able to get to Parsons. While we were in our group we shared each others stories, and memories. We were able […]

The Flower Piece

  For this piece we had to photograph a live model of flowers in the center of the room, from different angles and perspectives. After photographing we took the photos and brought them into our laptops to use Adobe Photoshop. We could use any effect that we were comfortable with using, to make our flower […]