Dress Log

Dress Log

After looking through my Dress Practice Log posts I realized that during school days I try to dress in a comfortable way. My concerns are more about looking put together with little effort as possible. I would try to dress for the weather, to be warm and still feel good about what I was wearing. During school days I also don’t wear a lot of makeup instead only put on enough too help myself look awake.
I noticed that I gravitate towards the most comfortable clothing in my closet even though I have a lot of other way more interesting and vintage pieces that I love . However I only wear them on certain days when I am not in school and am spending free time with friends.I realized the way I dress to school is different than on days when I am not in school. I don’t think about my clothing when I’m in a rush versus when I know i’ll be spending time with friends. I realized that the reason why I put more thought into my clothing when I’m with friends is because I know we will be taking photos or will be going somewhere interesting. I want to show my individual style and have fun with my clothes when I have more free time and I do to put a little more effort into how I’m dressing.
This assignment did help my understanding between clothing and the body. After the Dress Practice Log I have become more aware of what I’m wearing and I become more aware of why as well.