Bridge Project #1: The Integrated Self

For the first Bridge Project in Integrated Studio 1, we explored the integrated self and our “home”.

The portraits below are accompanied by pieces of memory from the memoir written in Integrated Seminar 1.

My Grandparents, Drawn from memory

My Grandparents, Drawn from memory

“I remember my first ride on a bus in Jerusalem, it was with my grandmother, when not every pace of hers hurt.”

Self- Portraits, Blind Continuos line

Self- Portraits, Blind Continuos line

“The smell I came to learn and associate with the buses have clouded my memory, and I assume it was the same smell that first time too.”

Self Portraits, Blind Parallel Drawings

Self Portraits, Blind Parallel Drawings

“It was then that my childhood stopped, just as that whole generation of children. I had to grow up, to not feel and to not be afraid.”

Self Portraits, Blind Continuous Line

Self Portraits, Blind Continuous Line

“With every beat of a bomb outside, our school went through shutdown; the few cellphones within reach were passed between the students, calling their parents.”

Self Portraits, Blind Continuous Line

Self Portraits, Blind Continuous Line

“And as the commanders whispered to each other, we could see the fear in their eyes; they were just a year older than us, some did not even celebrated their 19th birthday.”

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