Integrative Studio: +Plectic Spill Sheet Drawings.

We were instructed to provide five spill sheets (of ink, Acrylic, or watercolor) and then transform them.

The photos following are presented as the start (of just the spill sheet) and the end result (after we had transform them).

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

This ink spill sheet was transformed with a Sharpie pen and colored pencils.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

(Although I have started the transformation before taking the photo)

Spill Sheet- End Result.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

This ink spill sheet was transformed with colored pencils.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

This red Acrylic spill sheet was transformed with a Sharpie pen.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

This ink spill sheet was transformed with a Sharpie pen.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- The Start.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

Spill Sheet- End Result.

This ink spill sheet was transformed with a Sharpie pen and crayons.




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