

The Rape of the Daughter of Leucippus by Peter Paule Rubens. In this example we can see the strong vertical lines (parallels) in the arms and horses legs. We see diagonals running through the hands, body, horse’s feet in both directions (forming a diamond). Finally there is the arc of movement or swing lines, follow the arc as it traces from the figure’s head (angel) at left as it comes around to the head of the lower women at right. All the heads of the figures rest along this arc. The understructure emerges to be a grid with numerous parallel diagonals.


 Hiroshage, “The Lake at Hakone”.  Degas composition (although reversed) emerges to be similar!! We see an excellent example of Asymmetrical Balance. It is not a reflection across the center line but rather a change of visual weight and distance from the center line that creates a sense of balance (in this case the white mountain at the left in the background and the large mountain in the foreground off centered.) This also displays the concept of distribution- fill vs unfilled. There is a large amount of negative space on the left and a large amount of positive space on the right.

 FullSizeRender 3 FullSizeRender 4FullSizeRender 2  FullSizeRender 5FullSizeRender 6Thumbnails of Symmetry, Asymmetry, Horizontal/Vertical, Diagonal, and Cropped. Photos taken of thumbnails, respectively.

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