Reflections on Tony Hiss and R. Murray Schafer essays

When I read  Tony Hiss essay he was talking about looking around us and what we see. Hiss wrote about travel and what we think and see the world around us. hiss wrote that travel in the past and ancient history has meant trouble and torment. In the 21st century travel is something that has brought blessings and good things. also travel is millions of people day by day movements. also how wonder leads to different things and different passion. something that stood out is how children see things and the world differently. children’s view of wonder are exciting, fresh, and alive, while adults sort of lose it. hiss writes about that there are things we pay attention to because they bring our attention. also that there is things to learn no matter how much we know about something.

Tony Hiss essay shows that we have to look at the world around us. that we have to have wonder that could lead to other possibilities. We are always learning something. during this program I in photography I learn to see thing that can’t always be capture. Also that I could and am always learning.

R. Murray Schafer essay was about how everyone studies many thing but the sound of the landscapes/world. That to know the soundscapes you have to study the past ones first. Like a music concert except is free in which Schafer referred soundscapes. We have to listen to the sounds and since we make music ourself we could improve it. There are things that are attached to other things but produce one song or sound. Through sound we are able to have information and if we practice hearing does sounds we can then make things like maps and guides. When I am photographing I will listen to the sounds things make and the world, especially while I do videos. Maybe listening to the soundscapes gives me inspirations.

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