Int Seminar 2 Storyboard and outline of final essay [Is Damien Hirst A Real Artist?]

1. Introduction:
a. Introduce Damien Hirst and his works.
b. Reasons/ factors that Hirst and his works are being controversy, and people’s critiques on his works.
c. Thesis. Despite the controversy of Hirst’s reputation, I still respect Hirst as a real artist, and see his works as real arts.


2. Pre-made subjects and ready made arts:
a. Examples of other artists’ well known ready made art pieces.
b. How people see/ questioning about Damien Hirst’s pre-made subjects and ready made arts.
c. How I see pre-made subjects and ready made arts.


3. Moral and ethics of art creations:
a. The reasons why some viewers stated Damien Hirst’s works are transgressive arts.
b. The reasons why I think Hirst’s works are not transgressive arts, that he present his mind and creations without being outrage or violating basic mores and sensibilities.
c. Discuss about the balance between the artistic value and ethical considerations while creating arts.


4. The artistic value of Damien Hirst’s works and himself as an artist:
a. How people see Damien Hirst’s works, and see him as an artist.
b. My response on people’s views that deny Hirst as an artist.
c. Evidences to support Hirst is a artist that makes real art piece through evaluating one of Hirst’s most significant works, “Mother and Child” (“M and C”).

i. Description of “M and C”.
ii. The meaning behind “M and C”.
iii. Hirst’s intention of creating “M and C”.
iv. Evidences and examples of conscious choices and details that Hirst made on”M and C”, in order to show Hirst’s effort and talents a being an real artist.


5. Conclusion:
a. The reasons/ evidences showing Damien Hirst as being a successful artist, who deserves our respect.
b. The contributions Damien Hirst has brought to the 20th century contemporary arts.

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