Self-portrait out of Food





| Self-portrait out of food |

This is a self-portrait that i’ve made out of gummy bears for my Space and Materiality class. I do not have a kitchen so i had to figure out what to use for my portrait. Gummy bears came up to my mind because it was something I loved when I was a child. I remember I used to play around with it by creating shapes like I did for this portrait.

If I would fix this piece, I would add the shape of my face. I only added the shape of the hair and it looks like that’s the line for my face.

Hazuki Uno is a Japanese Student who currently studies Illustration at Parsons School Of Design. She has moved around the world since she was bron in Japan. She has lived in Mexico, Switzerland, Germany and currently living in New York City. Mixture of the experiences that she gained by interacting with people from different cultures, exploring different countries and her own culture are her biggest inspiration for her works.

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