Photoshop Collages


| Photoshop Collages |

Assignment 2

All of my collages are based on my childhood memory; the first day of school in Switzerland. I was the age of 11 and it was my first time going to a school outside of Japan. The first impression of the country and the school wasn’t so good. I was worried and scared of being in a totally different environment and not understanding what people were saying. The stress was building up everyday and I was suffering from fever that I used to get after school. I just remember the fear of going to this school for few weeks. So the collages will be based on how I felt on the first day of the school and each collages was inspired by different artist’s works.



‘Melancholia’ by Jesse Treece

Hand-cut collage

Movement: Contemporary/ Postmodern

studio collage 1.1

This is my collage that I got inspired by Jesse Treece’s ‘Melancholia’. When I saw the piece for the first time, I felt loneliness and fear. I wanted to address my fear of the school by using the technique that Treece have used. The books symbolize the school, and I made the composition like this so that it feels like they are walls that were stopping me to move forward. I made the background is unclear so that it shows how I couldn’t see myself in the future. The green glass with leaves represent the season of fall, which is the season of the new school year.





‘Red Painting’ 2009 by Mark Bradford

Mix-media collage on Canvas

Movement: Contemporary/Postmodern

studio collage 2.1

This is a collage that I got inspired by Mark  Bradford’s ‘Red Painting’. I found the delicate shapes, and the colors really attractive in the collage. I also wanted to explore Photoshop by trying to imitate this technique so I chose to reference this particular collage. For the background, I chose to use dark color so that it can show how sad and scared I was. The blurred picture represent how I couldn’t understand what people were saying. Things were unclear. The chaotic geometric shapes that covers the background are my thoughts of that day. Because I couldn’t understand anything, I remember I was really confused all the time. My thoughts were spread out and it was out of control. The whole thoughts are like a puzzle, and this day my puzzle was never completed.






Cut with the Dada Kitchen Knife through the last Weimer Beer-Belly Cultural Epoch in Germany

1919 by Hannah Höch

Movement: Dada, Modern Art

studio collage 3.1

I really liked how Höch created a collage by putting many things in a piece with different scale. I wanted to show the atmosphere, the scene of my school I went to. The different languages(English and German) that I couldn’t understand. The doorway, the lockers, the books, the alps, these objects reminds me of school and Switzerland. Things weren’t organized in my mind, and I got really scared when there was a whole school meeting in the beginning. I felt lost and I couldn’t understand the situation I was in. This day wasn’t a good day for me, but after all I am happy that I went to this school and was able to experience this day.

In this assignment, the most challenging thing was that there should be relation to my childhood memory. I don’t remember well about this day and I had to sit and think back to it. It was hard to show and express the feeling I had in a collage. But I challenged myself to do some techniques that the artists have done, and I am happy with what I’ve got in the end.


Hazuki Uno is a Japanese Student who currently studies Illustration at Parsons School Of Design. She has moved around the world since she was bron in Japan. She has lived in Mexico, Switzerland, Germany and currently living in New York City. Mixture of the experiences that she gained by interacting with people from different cultures, exploring different countries and her own culture are her biggest inspiration for her works.

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