Core Seminar: Studio Assignment 1: Learning Portfolio 1


Studio Assignment 1 —

Revised written intent

I have decided to focus on power of image reproduction. I found the reading “War Is Over (If You Want It) by W.J.T  Mitchell interesting because of his comparison of images being like viruses or bacteria,  so I want to create an image designed to “replicate themselves end-lessly and to infect the collective imaginary of global populations” (page 3). However, I want to create my own replicates and have the “copies” not be the same as the original. I also want to have the idea of a ‘virus’ on the original object as it is replicated.  However, I have some other influences from new research, such as Joel Peter Witkin’s that use real objects and Carlo Zinelli’s shapes of objects which I have tried to experiment with in my art.

Images of work:


Written Statement Draft

For my studio piece I would like to explore how through my own painting I can try to apply mathematical perspective theory like  Cartesian perspectivalism which I don’t completely understand but find interesting in the reading Martin Jay, “Scopic Regimes of Modernity,”. I also want to explore the power of image reproduction by displaying a bad quality reproduction of my painting instead of the original. I found the reading “War Is Over (If You Want It) by W.J.T  Mitchell interesting because of his comparison of images being like viruses or bacteria,  so I want to create an image designed to “replicate themselves end-lessly and to infect the collective imaginary of global populations” (page 3).



My objects

Toys  – Innocence, play, imagination
Fabric – Can be a sign of economic status depending on type of material.

The pieces I created are not not based on any theory we have discussed but it still relates because we have been reading Boris Groys, “Under the Gaze of Theory which is about how theory informs the artist and the spectator and also how theorising art can cause problems like narrowing the audience or being counter productive for the artist.

Robert Williams

This painting can be interpreted in so many ways depending on how you see it, this reminds me of the reading “ways of seeing” because it also uses  perspective in a surrealist way.


Kerry James Marshall

This is an exhibition that involves objects within the space of the building. It reminds me of the video with Andrea Fraser and questioning the objects in the space (like the water fountain) and how they are art.

Kerry James Marshall at M HKA


Bill Traylor

This artists sketches are a bit like mine as they does not use perspective in the proper way. The reading by John Berger (Ways of Seeing) has a section about how perspective was developed.




Roger Ballen

I like the way this artist uses different rooms for his project.



Dean Ellis


The use of perspective and realism in an imagined scene.

I like the use of sculpture and different materials which relates back to my art.



Peter Gudynas




Historical Tribal art (using different materials)


Joel Peter Witkin


Pablo Picasso


Carlo Zineli






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