Integrative Studio 2: Bridge Assignment 1


For my piece, I chose to do a diptych using an image of my own, and text provided by President of the United States Donald Trump, from ‘The Art of the Comeback”, published in 1997.

The original photo was taken at a Trump protest the day after he was elected. The girl on the lamp post was already wearing a bandana, but using Illustrator, I drew on a red one, in an attempt to correlate her with a modern Rosie the Riveter, as well as the implied understanding that red is a color more associated with women — as well as passion and anger. The two men, who in the original photograph play an insignificant role, have had their faces colored in blue (which is perceived as a masculine color in Western culture.) What originally was a ‘One Way’ sign has been changed to say ‘No Way’. The statement in itself is meant to be a loose interpretation for the viewer, depending on where they fall on the political spectrum. The stop symbol (coordinating with the Girl’s red bandana) has been left to communicate her resistance. Finally, what were originally awnings for the Harry Winston store across from Trump Tower, are instead upside down American Flags, to symbolize a nation in distress.

In creating this, I imagine getting numerous interpretations, all reliant on the viewer’s personal stance on the current political climate. While I personally feel empowered by this piece, I foresee that some would view it in its counterpart; with the statement above being correct and the actions of the girl being vulgar and radical.

By combining language with image, and mixing warm and cool tones, my end goal is to create a dialogue about our political actions.



Original Photograph: