Observation 2: Vehicles Passing During Certain Period

Date: Tuesday July 12, 2016

Time start: 9:15 AM

Time end: 9:25 AM

Object: Vehicles passing during the period

Location: 38th St 10th Ave


Time start Weather1

Time end Weather2



I live in 37th St 10th Ave. Except condos, numerous storages and warehouses are located nearby. For the government pays attention to developing the area, many buildings are under construction. Therefore, out of curiosity, I counted vehicles passing during certain period (9:15 AM – 9: 25 AM) in my apartment, attempting to associate the variety and number of passing vehicles with the structure of the neighborhood as well as individual habits of commuting or operating.


The result is listed below.

Bus 4

Van 4

Car 23 – 1 convertible car

Taxi 13

Truck 17 – 13 Delivery Trucks, 12 UPS Trucks with 3 Different Sizes

Bicycle 2

Police Car 1

Drawing1 Drawing2

I find that there are many buses and police cars parked near Javits Center, a large international convention center close to my apartment, which partially accounts for the passing of buses and police cars.

Ideas and Questions:


  1. Quite a few people may be still on their way to work by car or taxi.
  2. Cycling may not be a preferred way of commuting.
  3. Delivery companies, at least UPS, may tend to send goods off right after the morning rush hour.
  4. Long-distance transportation or large purchasers may need big-sized delivery trucks.
  5. Vehicles are part of the transportation system that also includes relevant infrastructure, such as roads and traffic lights.



  1. What if the weather is cooler? Will there be more bicycle commuters?
  2. What time in a day will the construction materials be transported if needed?
  3. What do the vans work for?
  4. Do the buses work as shuttle buses or touring buses?
  5. Why was Javits Center builded in this area?

Communication Design

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